In 2020, many of us logged experiences that we’d never anticipated. I wrote a nonfiction book and got married outside the Harvard Faculty Club (because nobody was around to shoo us away). Equally unexpectedly, I received an invitation to collaborate with a professional artist. One Bruce Rosenbaum emailed me out of the blue:
I watched your video on Quantum Steampunk: Quantum Information Meets Thermodynamics. [ . . . ] I’d like to explore collaborating with you on bringing together the fusion of Quantum physics and Thermodynamics into the real world with functional Steampunk art and design.
I looked Bruce up online. Wired Magazine had called the Massachusetts native “the steampunk evangelist,” and The Wall Street Journal had called him “the steampunk guru.” He created sculptures for museums and hotels, in addition to running workshops that riffed on the acronym STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics). MTV’s Extreme Cribs had spotlighted his renovation of a Victorian-era church into a home and workshop.
All right, I replied, I’m game. But research fills my work week, so can you talk at an unusual time?
We Zoomed on a Saturday afternoon. Bruce Zooms from precisely the room that you’d hope to find a steampunk artist in: a workshop filled with brass bits and bobs spread across antique-looking furniture. Something intricate is usually spinning atop a table behind him. And no, none of it belongs to a virtual background. Far from an overwrought inventor, though, Bruce exudes a vibe as casual as the T-shirt he often wears—when not interviewing in costume. A Boston-area accent completed the feeling of chatting with a neighbor.
Bruce proposed building a quantum-steampunk sculpture. I’d never dreamed of the prospect, but it sounded like an adventure, so I agreed. We settled on a sculpture centered on a quantum engine. Classical engines inspired the development of thermodynamics around the time of the Industrial Revolution. One of the simplest engines—the heat engine—interacts with two environments, or reservoirs: one cold and one hot. Heat—the energy of random atomic motion—flows from the hot to the cold. The engine siphons off part of the heat, converting it into work—coordinated energy that can, say, turn a turbine.
Can a quantum system convert random heat into useful work? Yes, quantum thermodynamicists have shown. Bell Labs scientists designed a quantum engine formed from one atom, during the 1950s and 1960s. Since then, physicists have co-opted superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and more into quantum engines. Entanglement can enhance quantum engines, which can both suffer and benefit from quantum coherences (wave-like properties, in the spirit of wave–particle duality). Experimentalists have realized quantum engines in labs. So Bruce and I placed (an artistic depiction of) a quantum engine at our sculpture’s center. The engine consists of a trapped ion—a specialty of Maryland, where I accepted a permanent position that spring.
Bruce engaged an illustrator, Jim Su, to draw the sculpture. We iterated through draft after draft, altering shapes and fixing scientific content. Versions from the cutting-room floor now adorn the Maryland Quantum-Thermodynamics Hub’s website.
Designing the sculpture was a lark. Finding funding to build it has required more grit. During the process, our team grew to include scientific-computing expert Alfredo Nava-Tudelo, physicist Bill Phillips, senior faculty specialist Daniel Serrano, and Quantum Frontiers gatekeeper Spiros Michalakis. We secured a grant from the University of Maryland’s Arts for All program this spring. The program is promoting quantum-inspired art this year, in honor of the UN’s designation of 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.
Through the end of 2024, we’re building a tabletop version of the sculpture. We were expecting a 3D-printout version to consume our modest grant. But quantum steampunk captured the imagination of Empire Group, the design-engineering company hired by Bruce to create and deploy technical drawings. Empire now plans to include metal and moving parts in the sculpture.
The Quantum-Steampunk Engine sculpture (drawing by Jim Su)
Empire will create CAD (computer-aided–design) drawings this November, in dialogue with the scientific team and Bruce. The company will fabricate the sculpture in December. The scientists will create educational materials that explain the thermodynamics and quantum physics represented in the sculpture. Starting in 2025, we’ll exhibit the sculpture everywhere possible. Plans include the American Physical Society’s Global Physics Summit (March Meeting), the quantum-steampunk creative-writing course I’m co-teaching next spring, and the Quantum World Congress. Bruce will incorporate the sculpture into his STEAMpunk workshops. Drop us a line if you want the Quantum-Steampunk Engine sculpture at an event as a centerpiece or teaching tool. And stay tuned for updates on the sculpture’s creation process and outreach journey.
Our team’s schemes extend beyond the tabletop sculpture: we aim to build an 8’-by-8’-by-8’ version. The full shebang will contain period antiques, lasers, touchscreens, and moving and interactive parts. We hope that a company, university, or individual will request the full-size version upon seeing its potential in the tabletop.
A sculpture, built by ModVic for a corporate office, of the scale we have in mind. The description on Bruce’s site reads, “A 300 lb. Clipper of the Clouds sculpture inspired by a Jules Verne story. The piece suspends over the corporate lobby.”
After all, what are steampunk and science for, if not dreaming?
Building Quantum Computers: A Practical Introduction by Shayan Majidy, Christopher Wilson, and Raymond Laflamme has been published by Cambridge University Press and will be released in the US on September 30. The authors invited me to write a Foreword for the book, which I was happy to do. The publisher kindly granted permission for me to post the Foreword here on Quantum Frontiers.
The principles of quantum mechanics, which as far as we know govern all natural phenomena, were discovered in 1925. For 99 years we have built on that achievement to reach a comprehensive understanding of much of the physical world, from molecules to materials to elementary particles and much more. No comparably revolutionary advance in fundamental science has occurred since 1925. But a new revolution is in the offing.
Up until now, most of what we have learned about the quantum world has resulted from considering the behavior of individual particles — for example a single electron propagating as a wave through a crystal, unfazed by barriers that seem to stand in its way. Understanding that single-particle physics has enabled us to explore nature in unprecedented ways, and to build information technologies that have profoundly transformed our lives.
What’s happening now is we’re learning how to instruct particles to evolve in coordinated ways that can’t be accurately described in terms of the behavior of one particle at a time. The particles, as we like to say, can become entangled. Many particles, like electrons or photons or atoms, when highly entangled, exhibit an extraordinary complexity that we can’t capture with the most powerful of today’s supercomputers, or with our current theories of how nature works. That opens extraordinary opportunities for new discoveries and new applications.
Most temptingly, we anticipate that by building and operating large-scale quantum computers, which control the evolution of very complex entangled quantum systems, we will be able to solve some computational problems that are far beyond the reach of today’s digital computers. The concept of a quantum computer was proposed over 40 years ago, and the task of building quantum computing hardware has been pursued in earnest since the 1990s. After decades of steady progress, quantum information processors with hundreds of qubits have become feasible and are scientifically valuable. But we may need quantum processors with millions of qubits to realize practical applications of broad interest. There is still a long way to go.
Why is it taking so long? A conventional computer processes bits, where each bit could be, say, a switch which is either on or off. To build highly complex entangled quantum states, the fundamental information-carrying component of a quantum computer must be what we call a “qubit” rather than a bit. The trouble is that qubits are much more fragile than bits — when a qubit interacts with its environment, the information it carries is irreversibly damaged, a process called decoherence. To perform reliable logical operations on qubits, we need to prevent decoherence by keeping the qubits nearly perfectly isolated from their environment. That’s very hard to do. And because a qubit, unlike a bit, can change continuously, precisely controlling a qubit is a further challenge, even when decoherence is in check.
While theorists may find it convenient to regard a qubit (or a bit) as an abstract object, in an actual processor a qubit needs to be encoded in a particular physical system. There are many options. It might, for example, be encoded in a single atom which can be in either one of two long-lived internal states. Or the spin of a single atomic nucleus or electron which points either up or down along some axis. Or a single photon that occupies either one of two possible optical modes. These are all remarkable encodings, because the qubit resides in a very simple single quantum system, yet, thanks to technical advances over several decades, we have learned to control such qubits reasonably well. Alternatively, the qubit could be encoded in a more complex system, like a circuit conducting electricity without resistance at very low temperature. This is also remarkable, because although the qubit involves the collective motion of billions of pairs of electrons, we have learned to make it behave as though it were a single atom.
To run a quantum computer, we need to manipulate individual qubits and perform entangling operations on pairs of qubits. Once we can perform such single-qubit and two-qubit “quantum gates” with sufficient accuracy, and measure and initialize the qubits as well, then in principle we can perform any conceivable quantum computation by assembling sufficiently many qubits and executing sufficiently many gates.
It’s a daunting engineering challenge to build and operate a quantum system of sufficient complexity to solve very hard computation problems. That systems engineering task, and the potential practical applications of such a machine, are both beyond the scope of Building Quantum Computers. Instead the focus is on the computer’s elementary constituents for four different qubit modalities: nuclear spins, photons, trapped atomic ions, and superconducting circuits. Each type of qubit has its own fascinating story, told here expertly and with admirable clarity.
For each modality a crucial question must be addressed: how to produce well-controlled entangling interactions between two qubits. Answers vary. Spins have interactions that are always on, and can be “refocused” by applying suitable pulses. Photons hardly interact with one another at all, but such interactions can be mocked up using appropriate measurements. Because of their Coulomb repulsion, trapped ions have shared normal modes of vibration that can be manipulated to generate entanglement. Couplings and frequencies of superconducting qubits can be tuned to turn interactions on and off. The physics underlying each scheme is instructive, with valuable lessons for the quantum informationists to heed.
Various proposed quantum information processing platforms have characteristic strengths and weaknesses, which are clearly delineated in this book. For now it is important to pursue a variety of hardware approaches in parallel, because we don’t know for sure which ones have the best long term prospects. Furthermore, different qubit technologies might be best suited for different applications, or a hybrid of different technologies might be the best choice in some settings. The truth is that we are still in the early stages of developing quantum computing systems, and there is plenty of potential for surprises that could dramatically alter the outlook.
Building large-scale quantum computers is a grand challenge facing 21st-century science and technology. And we’re just getting started. The qubits and quantum gates of the distant future may look very different from what is described in this book, but the authors have made wise choices in selecting material that is likely to have enduring value. Beyond that, the book is highly accessible and fun to read. As quantum technology grows ever more sophisticated, I expect the study and control of highly complex many-particle systems to become an increasingly central theme of physical science. If so, Building Quantum Computers will be treasured reading for years to come.
Why not run a quantum-steampunk creative-writing course?
Quantum steampunk, as Quantum Frontiers regulars know, is the aesthetic and spirit of a growing scientific field. Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction. In it, futuristic technologies invade Victorian-era settings: submarines, time machines, and clockwork octopodes populate La Belle Èpoque, a recently liberated Haiti, and Sherlock Holmes’s London. A similar invasion characterizes my research field, quantum thermodynamics: thermodynamics is the study of heat, work, temperature, and efficiency. The Industrial Revolution spurred the theory’s development during the 1800s. The theory’s original subject—nineteenth-century engines—were large, were massive, and contained enormous numbers of particles. Such engines obey the classical mechanics developed during the 1600s. Hence thermodynamics needs re-envisioning for quantum systems. To extend the theory’s laws and applications, quantum thermodynamicists use mathematical and experimental tools from quantum information science. Quantum information science is, in part, the understanding of quantum systems through how they store and process information. The toolkit is partially cutting-edge and partially futuristic, as full-scale quantum computers remain under construction. So applying quantum information to thermodynamics—quantum thermodynamics—strikes me as the real-world incarnation of steampunk.
But the thought of a quantum-steampunk creative-writing course had never occurred to me, and I hesitated over it. Quantum-steampunk blogposts, I could handle. A book, I could handle. Even a short-story contest, I’d handled. But a course? The idea yawned like the pitch-dark mouth of an unknown cavern in my imagination.
But the more I mulled over Edward Daschle’s suggestion, the more I warmed to it. Edward was completing a master’s degree in creative writing at the University of Maryland (UMD), specializing in science fiction. His mentor Emily Brandchaft Mitchell had sung his praises via email. In 2023, Emily had served as a judge for the Quantum-Steampunk Short-Story Contest. She works as a professor of English at UMD, writes fiction, and specializes in the study of genre. I reached out to her last spring about collaborating on a grant for quantum-inspired art, and she pointed to her protégé.
The course will alternate between science and science fiction. Under Edward’s direction, we’ll read and discuss published fiction. We’ll also learn about what genres are and how they come to be. Students will try out writing styles by composing short stories themselves. Everyone will provide feedback about each other’s writing: what works, what’s confusing, and opportunities for improvement.
The published fiction chosen will mirror the scientific subjects we’ll cover: quantum physics; quantum technologies; and thermodynamics, including quantum thermodynamics. I’ll lead this part of the course. The scientific studies will interleave with the story reading, writing, and workshopping. Students will learn about the science behind the science fiction while contributing to the growing subgenre of quantum steampunk.
We aim to attract students from across campus: physics, English, the Jiménez-Porter Writers’ House, computer science, mathematics, and engineering—plus any other departments whose students have curiosity and creativity to spare. The course already has four cross-listings—Arts and Humanities 270, Physics 299Q, Computer Science 298Q, and Mechanical Engineering 299Q—and will probably acquire a fifth (Chemistry 298Q). You can earn a Distributive Studies: Scholarship in Practice (DSSP) General Education requirement, and undergraduate and graduate students are welcome. QuICS—the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, my home base—is paying Edward’s salary through a seed grant. Ross Angelella, the director of the Writers’ House, arranged logistics and doused us with enthusiasm. I’m proud of how organizations across the university are uniting to support the course.
The diversity we seek, though, poses a challenge. The course lacks prerequisites, so I’ll need to teach at a level comprehensible to the non-science students. I’d enjoy doing so, but I’m concerned about boring the science students. Ideally, the science students will help me teach, while the non-science students will challenge us with foundational questions that force us to rethink basic concepts. Also, I hope that non-science students will galvanize discussions about ethical and sociological implications of quantum technologies. But how can one ensure that conversation will flow?
This summer, Edward and I traded candidate stories for the syllabus. Based on his suggestions, I recommend touring science fiction under an expert’s guidance. I enjoyed, for a few hours each weekend, sinking into the worlds of Ted Chiang, Ursula K. LeGuinn, N. K. Jemison, Ken Liu, and others. My scientific background informed my reading more than I’d expected. Some authors, I could tell, had researched their subjects thoroughly. When they transitioned from science into fiction, I trusted and followed them. Other authors tossed jargon into their writing but evidenced a lack of deep understanding. One author nailed technical details about quantum computation, initially impressing me, but missed the big picture: his conflict hinged on a misunderstanding about entanglement. I see all these stories as affording opportunities for learning and teaching, in different ways.
Students can begin registering for “Writing Quantum Steampunk: Science-Fiction Workshop” on October 24. We can offer only 15 seats, due to Writers’ House standards, so secure yours as soon as you can. Part of me still wonders how the Hilbert space I came to be co-teaching a quantum-steampunk creative-writing course.1 But I look forward to reading with you next spring!
1A Hilbert space is a mathematical object that represents a quantum system. But you needn’t know that to succeed in the course.
One day, early this spring, I found myself in a hotel elevator with three other people. The cohort consisted of two theoretical physicists, one computer scientist, and what appeared to be a normal person. I pressed the elevator’s 4 button, as my husband (the computer scientist) and I were staying on the hotel’s fourth floor. The button refused to light up.
“That happened last time,” the normal person remarked. He was staying on the fourth floor, too.
The other theoretical physicist pressed the 3 button.
“Should we press the 5 button,” the normal person continued, “and let gravity do its work?”
I took a moment to realize that he was suggesting we ascend to the fifth floor and then induce the elevator to fall under gravity’s influence to the fourth. We were reaching floor three, so I exchanged a “have a good evening” with the other physicist, who left. The door shut, and we began to ascend.
“As it happens,” I remarked, “he’s an expert on gravity.” The other physicist was Herman Verlinde, a professor at Princeton.
Such is a side effect of visiting the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. The Simons Center graces the Stony Brook University campus, which was awash in daffodils and magnolia blossoms last month. The Simons Center derives its name from hedge-fund manager Jim Simons (who passed away during the writing of this article). He achieved landmark physics and math research before earning his fortune on Wall Street as a quant. Simons supported his early loves by funding the Simons Center and other scientific initiatives. The center reminded me of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, down to the café’s linen napkins, so I felt at home.
I was participating in the Simons Center workshop “Entanglement, thermalization, and holography.” It united researchers from quantum information and computation, black-hole physics and string theory, quantum thermodynamics and many-body physics, and nuclear physics. We were to share our fields’ approaches to problems centered on thermalization, entanglement, quantum simulation, and the like. I presented about the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, which elucidates how many-particle quantum systems thermalize. The hypothesis fails, I argued, if a system’s dynamics conserve quantities (analogous to energy and particle number) that can’t be measured simultaneously. Herman Verlinde discussed the ER=EPR conjecture.
My PhD advisor, John Preskill, blogged about ER=EPR almost exactly eleven years ago. Read his blog post for a detailed introduction. Briefly, ER=EPR posits an equivalence between wormholes and entanglement.
The ER stands for Einstein–Rosen, as in Einstein–Rosen bridge. Sean Carroll provided the punchiest explanation I’ve heard of Einstein–Rosen bridges. He served as the scientific advisor for the 2011 film Thor. Sean suggested that the film feature a wormhole, a connection between two black holes. The filmmakers replied that wormholes were passé. So Sean suggested that the film feature an Einstein–Rosen bridge. “What’s an Einstein–Rosen bridge?” the filmmakers asked. “A wormhole.” So Thor features an Einstein–Rosen bridge.
EPR stands for Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen. The three authors published a quantum paradox in 1935. Their EPR paper galvanized the community’s understanding of entanglement.
ER=EPR is a conjecture that entanglement is closely related to wormholes. As Herman said during his talk, “You probably need entanglement to realize a wormhole.” Or any two maximally entangled particles are connected by a wormhole. The idea crystallized in a paper by Juan Maldacena and Lenny Susskind. They drew on work by Mark Van Raamsdonk (who masterminded the workshop behind thisQuantum Frontiers post) and Brian Swingle (who’s appeared in furtherposts).
Herman presented four pieces of evidence for the conjecture, as you can hear in the video of his talk. One piece emerges from the AdS/CFT duality, a parallel between certain space-times (called anti–de Sitter, or AdS, spaces) and quantum theories that have a certain symmetry (called conformal field theories, or CFTs). A CFT, being quantum, can contain entanglement. One entangled state is called the thermofield double. Suppose that a quantum system is in a thermofield double and you discard half the system. The remaining half looks thermal—we can attribute a temperature to it. Evidence indicates that, if a CFT has a temperature, then it parallels an AdS space that contains a black hole. So entanglement appears connected to black holes via thermality and temperature.
Despite the evidence—and despite the eleven years since John’s publication of his blog post—ER=EPR remains a conjecture. Herman remarked, “It’s more like a slogan than anything else.” His talk’s abstract contains more hedging than a suburban yard. I appreciated the conscientiousness, a college acquaintance having once observed that I spoke carefully even over sandwiches with a friend.
A “source of uneasiness” about ER=EPR, to Herman, is measurability. We can’t check whether a quantum state is entangled via any single measurement. We have to prepare many identical copies of the state, measure the copies, and process the outcome statistics. In contrast, we seem able to conclude that a space-time is connected without measuring multiple copies of the space-time. We can check that a hotel’s first floor is connected to its fourth, for instance, by riding in an elevator once.
Or by riding an elevator to the fifth floor and descending by one story. My husband, the normal person, and I took the stairs instead of falling. The hotel fixed the elevator within a day or two, but who knows when we’ll fix on the truth value of ER=EPR?
With thanks to the conference organizers for their invitation, to the Simons Center for its hospitality, to Jim Simons for his generosity, and to the normal person for inspiration.
Many people ask why I became a theoretical physicist. The answer runs through philosophy—which I thought, for years, I’d left behind in college.
My formal relationship with philosophy originated with Mr. Bohrer. My high school classified him as a religion teacher, but he co-opted our junior-year religion course into a philosophy course. He introduced us to Plato’s cave, metaphysics, and the pursuit of the essence beneath the skin of appearance. The essence of reality overlaps with quantum theory and relativity, which fascinated him. Not that he understood them, he’d hasten to clarify. But he passed along that fascination to me. I’d always loved dealing in abstract ideas, so the notion of studying the nature of the universe attracted me. A friend and I joked about growing up to be philosophers and—on account of not being able to find jobs—living in cardboard boxes next to each other.
After graduating from high school, I searched for more of the same in Dartmouth College’s philosophy department. I began with two prerequisites for the philosophy major: Moral Philosophy and Informal Logic. I adored those courses, but I adored all my courses.
As a sophomore, I embarked upon an upper-level philosophy course: philosophy of mind. I was one of the course’s youngest students, but the professor assured me that I’d accumulated enough background information in science and philosophy classes. Yet he and the older students threw around technical terms, such as qualia, that I’d never heard of. Those terms resurfaced in the assigned reading, again without definitions. I struggled to follow the conversation.
Meanwhile, I’d been cycling through the sciences. I’d taken my high school’s highest-level physics course, senior year—AP Physics C: Mechanics and Electromagnetism. So, upon enrolling in college, I made the rounds of biology, chemistry, and computer science. I cycled back to physics at the beginning of sophomore year, taking Modern Physics I in parallel with Informal Logic. The physics professor, Miles Blencowe, told me, “I want to see physics in your major.” I did, too, I assured him. But I wanted to see most subjects in my major.
Miles, together with department chair Jay Lawrence, helped me incorporate multiple subjects into a physics-centric program. The major, called “Physics Modified,” stood halfway between the physics major and the create-your-own major offered at some American liberal-arts colleges. The program began with heaps of prerequisite courses across multiple departments. Then, I chose upper-level physics courses, a math course, two history courses, and a philosophy course. I could scarcely believe that I’d planted myself in a physics department; although I’d loved physics since my first course in it, I loved all subjects, and nobody in my family did anything close to physics. But my major would provide a well-rounded view of the subject.
From shortly after I declared my Physics Modified major. Photo from outside the National Academy of Sciences headquarters in Washington, DC.
The major’s philosophy course was an independent study on quantum theory. In one project, I dissected the “EPR paper” published by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) in 1935. It introduced the paradox that now underlies our understanding of entanglement. But who reads the EPR paper in physics courses nowadays? I appreciated having the space to grapple with the original text. Still, I wanted to understand the paper more deeply; the philosophy course pushed me toward upper-level physics classes.
What I thought of as my last chance at philosophy evaporated during my senior spring. I wanted to apply to graduate programs soon, but I hadn’t decided which subject to pursue. The philosophy and history of physics remained on the table. A history-of-physics course, taught by cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser, settled the matter. I worked my rear off in that course, and I learned loads—but I already knew some of the material from physics courses. Moreover, I knew the material more deeply than the level at which the course covered it. I couldn’t stand the thought of understanding the rest of physics only at this surface level. So I resolved to burrow into physics in graduate school.
Appropriately, Marcelo published a book with a philosopher (and an astrophysicist) this March.
Burrow I did: after a stint in condensed-matter research, I submerged up to my eyeballs in quantum field theory and differential geometry at the Perimeter Scholars International master’s program. My research there bridged quantum information theory and quantum foundations. I appreciated the balance of fundamental thinking and possible applications to quantum-information-processing technologies. The rigorous mathematical style (lemma-theorem-corollary-lemma-theorem-corollary) appealed to my penchant for abstract thinking. Eating lunch with the Perimeter Institute’s quantum-foundations group, I felt at home.
Craving more research at the intersection of quantum thermodynamics and information theory, I enrolled at Caltech for my PhD. As I’d scarcely believed that I’d committed myself to my college’s physics department, I could scarcely believe that I was enrolling in a tech school. I was such a child of the liberal arts! But the liberal arts include the sciences, and I ended up wrapping Caltech’s hardcore vibe around myself like a favorite denim jacket.
Caltech kindled interests in condensed matter; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; and even high-energy physics. Theorists at Caltech thought not only abstractly, but also about physical platforms; so I started to, as well. I began collaborating with experimentalists as a postdoc, and I’m now working with as many labs as I can interface with at once. I’ve collaborated on experiments performed with superconducting qubits, photons, trapped ions, and jammed grains. Developing an abstract idea, then nursing it from mathematics to reality, satisfies me. I’m even trying to redirect quantum thermodynamics from foundational insights to practical applications.
At the University of Toronto in 2022, with my experimental collaborator Batuhan Yılmaz—and a real optics table!
So I did a double-take upon receiving an invitation to present a named lecture at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science. Even I, despite not being a philosopher, had heard of the cache of Pitt’s philosophy-of-science program. Why on Earth had I received the invitation? I felt the same incredulity as when I’d handed my heart to Dartmouth’s physics department and then to a tech school. But now, instead of laughing at the image of myself as a physicist, I couldn’t see past it.
Why had I received that invitation? I did a triple-take. At Perimeter, I’d begun undertaking research on resource theories—simple, information-theoretic models for situations in which constraints restrict the operations one can perform. Hardly anyone worked on resource theories then, although they form a popular field now. Philosophers like them, and I’ve worked with multiple classes of resource theories by now.
More recently, I’ve worked with contextuality, a feature that distinguishes quantum theory from classical theories. And I’ve even coauthored papers about closed timelike curves (CTCs), hypothetical worldlines that travel backward in time. CTCs are consistent with general relativity, but we don’t know whether they exist in reality. Regardless, one can simulate CTCs, using entanglement. Collaborators and I applied CTC simulations to metrology—to protocols for measuring quantities precisely. So we kept a foot in practicality and a foot in foundations.
Perhaps the idea of presenting a named lecture on the philosophy of science wasn’t hopelessly bonkers. All right, then. I’d present it.
Presenting at the Center for Philosophy of Science
This March, I presented an ALS Lecture (an Annual Lecture Series Lecture, redundantly) entitled “Field notes on the second law of quantum thermodynamics from a quantum physicist.” Scientists formulated the second law the early 1800s. It helps us understand why time appears to flow in only one direction. I described three enhancements of that understanding, which have grown from quantum thermodynamics and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics: resource-theory results, fluctuation theorems, and thermodynamic applications of entanglement. I also enjoyed talking with Center faculty and graduate students during the afternoon and evening. Then—being a child of the liberal arts—I stayed in Pittsburgh for half the following Saturday to visit the Carnegie Museum of Art.
With a copy of a statue of the goddess Sekhmet. She lives in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, which shares a building with the art museum, from which I detoured to see the natural-history museum’s ancient-Egypt area (as Quantum Frontiers regulars won’t be surprised to hear).
Don’t get me wrong: I’m a physicist, not a philosopher. I don’t have the training to undertake philosophy, and I have enough work to do in pursuit of my physics goals. But my high-school self would approve—that self is still me.
Even if you don’t recognize the name, you probably recognize the saguaro cactus. It’s the archetype of the cactus, a column from which protrude arms bent at right angles like elbows. As my husband pointed out, the cactus emoji is a saguaro: 🌵. In Tucson, Arizona, even the airport has a saguaro crop sufficient for staging a Western short film. I didn’t have a film to shoot, but the garden set the stage for another adventure: the ITAMP winter school on quantum thermodynamics.
Tucson airport
ITAMP is the Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (the Optical is silent). Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institute share ITAMP, where I worked as a postdoc. ITAMP hosted the first quantum-thermodynamics conference to take place on US soil, in 2017. Also, ITAMP hosts a winter school in Arizona every February. (If you lived in the Boston area, you might want to escape to the southwest then, too.) The winter school’s topic varies from year to year.
How about a winter school on quantum thermodynamics? ITAMP’s director, Hossein Sadeghpour, asked me when I visited Cambridge, Massachusetts last spring.
Let’s do it, I said.
Lecturers came from near and far. Kanu Sinha, of the University of Arizona, spoke about how electric charges fluctuate in the quantum vacuum. Fluctuations feature also in extensions of the second law of thermodynamics, which helps explain why time flows in only one direction. Gabriel Landi, from the University of Rochester, lectured about these fluctuation relations. ITAMP Postdoctoral Fellow Ceren Dag explained why many-particle quantum systems register time’s arrow. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler described the many-particle quantum systems—the trapped ions—in his lab at the University of Mainz.
Ronnie Kosloff, of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, lectured about quantum engines. Nelly Ng, an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, has featured on Quantum Frontiersat leastthreetimes. She described resource theories—information-theoretic models—for thermodynamics. Information and energy both serve as resources in thermodynamics and computation, I explained in my lectures.
The 2024 ITAMP winter school
The winter school took place at the conference center adjacent to Biosphere 2. Biosphere 2 is an enclosure that contains several miniature climate zones, including a coastal fog desert, a rainforest, and an ocean. You might have heard of Biosphere 2 due to two experiments staged there during the 1990s: in each experiment, a group of people was sealed in the enclosure. The experimentalists harvested their own food and weren’t supposed to receive any matter from outside. The first experiment lasted for two years. The group, though, ran out of oxygen, which a support crew pumped in. Research at Biosphere 2 contributes to our understanding of ecosystems and space colonization.
Fascinating as the landscape inside Biosphere 2 is, so is the landscape outside. The winter school included an afternoon hike, and my husband and I explored the territory around the enclosure.
Did you see any snakes? my best friend asked after I returned home.
No, I said. But we were chased by a vicious beast.
On our first afternoon, my husband and I followed an overgrown path away from the biosphere to an almost deserted-looking cluster of buildings. We eventually encountered what looked like a warehouse from which noises were emanating. Outside hung a sign with which I resonated.
Scientists, I thought. Indeed, a researcher emerged from the warehouse and described his work to us. His group was preparing to seal off a building where they were simulating a Martian environment. He also warned us about the territory we were about to enter, especially the creature that roosted there. We were too curious to retreat, though, so we set off into a ghost town.
At least, that’s what the other winter-school participants called the area, later in the week—a ghost town. My husband and I had already surveyed the administrative offices, conference center, and other buildings used by biosphere personnel today. Personnel in the 1980s used a different set of buildings. I don’t know why one site gave way to the other. But the old buildings survive—as what passes for ancient ruins to many Americans.
Weeds have grown up in the cracks in an old parking lot’s tarmac. A sign outside one door says, “Classroom”; below it is a sign that must not have been correct in decades: “Class in progress.” Through the glass doors of the old visitors’ center, we glimpsed cushioned benches and what appeared to be a diorama exhibit; outside, feathers and bird droppings covered the ground. I searched for a tumbleweed emoji, to illustrate the atmosphere, but found only a tumbler one: 🥃.
After exploring, my husband and I rested in the shade of an empty building, drank some of the water we’d brought, and turned around. We began retracing our steps past the defunct visitors’ center. Suddenly, a monstrous Presence loomed on our right.
I can’t tell you how large it was; I only glimpsed it before turning and firmly not running away. But the Presence loomed. And it confirmed what I’d guessed upon finding the feathers and droppings earlier: the old visitors’ center now served as the Lair of the Beast.
The Mars researcher had warned us about the aggressive male turkey who ruled the ghost town. The turkey, the researcher had said, hated men—especially men wearing blue. My husband, naturally, was wearing a blue shirt. You might be able to outrun him, the researcher added pensively.
My husband zipped up his black jacket over the blue shirt. I advised him to walk confidently and not too quickly. Hikes in bear country, as well as summers at Busch Gardens Zoo Camp, gave me the impression that we mustn’t run; the turkey would probably chase us, get riled up, and excite himself to violence. So we walked, and the monstrous turkey escorted us. For surprisingly and frighteningly many minutes.
The turkey kept scolding us in monosyllabic squawks, which sounded increasingly close to the back of my head. I didn’t turn around to look, but he sounded inches away. I occasionally responded in the soothing voice I was taught to use on horses. But my husband and I marched increasingly quickly.
We left the old visitors’ center, curved around, and climbed most of a hill before ceasing to threaten the turkey—or before he ceased to threaten us. He squawked a final warning and fell back. My husband and I found ourselves amid the guest houses of workshops past, shaky but unmolested. Not that the turkey wreaks much violence, according to the Mars researcher: at most, he beats his wings against people and scratches up their cars (especially blue ones). But we were relieved to return to civilization.
Afternoon hike at Catalina State Park, a drive away from Biosphere 2. (Yes, that’s a KITP hat.)
The ITAMP winter school reminded me of Roughing It, a Mark Twain book I finished this year. Twain chronicled the adventures he’d experienced out West during the 1860s. The Gold Rush, he wrote, attracted the top young men of all nations. The quantum-technologies gold rush has been attracting the top young people of all nations, and the winter school evidenced their eagerness. Yet the winter school also evidenced how many women have risen to the top: 10 of the 24 registrants were women, as were four of the seven lecturers.1
The winter-school participants in the shuttle I rode from the Tucson airport to Biosphere 2
We’ll see to what extent the quantum-technologies gold rush plays out like Mark Twain’s. Ours at least involves a ghost town and ferocious southwestern critters.
1For reference, when I applied to graduate programs, I was told that approximately 20% of physics PhD students nationwide were women. The percentage of women drops as one progresses up the academic chain to postdocs and then to faculty members. And primarily PhD students and postdocs registered for the winter school.
My husband taught me how to pronounce the name of the city where I’d be presenting a talk late last July: Aveiro, Portugal. Having studied Spanish, I pronounced the name as Ah-VEH-roh, with a v partway to a hard b. But my husband had studied Portuguese, so he recommended Ah-VAI-roo.
His accuracy impressed me when I heard the name pronounced by the organizer of the conference I was participating in—Theory of Quantum Computation, or TQC. Lídia del Rio grew up in Portugal and studied at the University of Aveiro, so I bow to her in matters of Portuguese pronunciation. I bow to her also for organizing one of the world’s largest annual quantum-computation conferences (with substantial help—fellow quantum physicist Nuriya Nurgalieva shared the burden). But Lídia cofounded Quantum, a journal that’s risen from a Gedankenexperiment to a go-to venue in six years. So she gives the impression of being able to manage anything.
Aveiro architecture
Watching Lídia open TQC gave me pause. I met her in 2013, the summer before beginning my PhD at Caltech. She was pursuing her PhD at ETH Zürich, which I was visiting. Lídia took me dancing at an Argentine-tango studio one evening. Now, she’d invited me to speak at an international conference that she was coordinating.
Lídia and me in Zürich as PhD students
Lídia opening TQC
Not only Lídia gave me pause; so did the three other invited speakers. Every one of them, I’d met when each of us was a grad student or a postdoc.
Richard Küng described classical shadows, a technique for extracting information about quantum states via measurements. Suppose we wish to infer about diverse properties of a quantum state (about diverse observables’ expectation values). We have to measure many copies of —some number of copies. The community expected to grow exponentially with the system’s size—for instance, with the number of qubits in a quantum computer’s register. We can get away with far fewer, Richard and collaborators showed, by randomizing our measurements.
Richard postdocked at Caltech while I was a grad student there. Two properties of his stand out in my memory: his describing, during group meetings, the math he’d been exploring and the Austrian accent in which he described that math.
Did this restaurant’s owners realize that quantum physicists were descending on their city? I have no idea.
Also while I was a grad student, Daniel Stilck França visited Caltech. Daniel’s TQC talk conveyed skepticism about whether near-term quantum computers can beat classical computers in optimization problems. Near-term quantum computers are NISQ (noisy, intermediate-scale quantum) devices. Daniel studied how noise (particularly, local depolarizing noise) propagates through NISQ circuits. Imagine a quantum computer suffering from a 1% noise error. The quantum computer loses its advantage over classical competitors after 10 layers of gates, Daniel concluded. Nor does he expect error mitigation—a bandaid en route to the sutures of quantum error correction—to help much.
From a 2021 Quantum Frontierspost of mine. I was tickled to see that TQC’s organizers used the photo from my 2021 post as Adam’s speaker photo.
Adam distinguished what we can compute using simple quantum circuits but not using simple classical ones. His results fall under the heading of complexity theory, about which one can rarely prove anything. Complexity theorists cling to their jobs by assuming conjectures widely expected to be true. Atop the assumptions, or conditions, they construct “conditional” proofs. Adam proved unconditional claims in complexity theory, thanks to the simplicity of the circuits he compared.
In my estimation, the talks conveyed cautious optimism: according to Adam, we can prove modest claims unconditionally in complexity theory. According to Richard, we can spare ourselves trials while measuring certain properties of quantum systems. Even Daniel’s talk inspired more optimism than he intended: a few years ago, the community couldn’t predict how noisy short-depth quantum circuits could perform. So his defeatism, rooted in evidence, marks an advance.
Aveiro nurtures optimism, I expect most visitors would agree. Sunshine drenches the city, and the canals sparkle—literally sparkle, as though devised by Elsa at a higher temperature than usual. Fresh fruit seems to wend its way into every meal.1 Art nouveau flowers scale the architecture, and fanciful designs pattern the tiled sidewalks.
What’s more, quantum information theorists of my generation were making good. Three riveted me in their talks, and another co-orchestrated one of the world’s largest quantum-computation gatherings. To think that she’d taken me dancing years before ascending to the global stage.
My husband and I made do, during our visit, by cobbling together our Spanish, his Portuguese, and occasional English. Could I hold a conversation with the Portuguese I gleaned? As adroitly as a NISQ circuit could beat a classical computer. But perhaps we’ll return to Portugal, and experimentalists are doubling down on quantum error correction. I remain cautiously optimistic.
1As do eggs, I was intrigued to discover. Enjoyed a hardboiled egg at breakfast? Have a fried egg on your hamburger at lunch. And another on your steak at dinner. And candied egg yolks for dessert.
This article takes its title from a book by former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins. The title alludes to a song in the musical My Fair Lady, “The Rain in Spain.” The song has grown so famous that I don’t think twice upon hearing the name. “The rain in Portugal” did lead me to think twice—and so did TQC.
With thanks to Lídia and Nuriya for their hospitality. You can submit to TQC2024 here.
The most ingenious invention to surprise me at CERN was a box of chocolates. CERN is a multinational particle-physics collaboration. Based in Geneva, CERN is famous for having “the world’s largest and most powerful accelerator,” according to its website. So a physicist will take for granted its colossal magnets, subatomic finesse, and petabytes of experimental data.
But I wasn’t expecting the chocolates.
In the main cafeteria, beside the cash registers, stood stacks of Toblerone. Sweet-tooth owners worldwide recognize the yellow triangular prisms stamped with Toblerone’s red logo. But I’d never seen such a prism emblazoned with CERN’s name. Scientists visit CERN from across the globe, and probably many return with Swiss-chocolate souvenirs. What better way to promulgate CERN’s influence than by coupling Switzerland’s scientific might with its culinary?1
I visited CERN last November for Sparks!, an annual public-outreach event. The evening’s speakers and performers offer perspectives on a scientific topic relevant to CERN. This year’s event highlighted quantum technologies. Physicist Sofia Vallecorsa described CERN’s Quantum Technology Initiative, and IBM philosopher Mira Wolf-Bauwens discussed ethical implications of quantum technologies. (Yes, you read that correctly: “IBM philosopher.”) Dancers Wenchi Su and I-Fang Lin presented an audiovisual performance, Rachel Maze elucidated government policies, and I spoke about quantum steampunk.
Around Sparks!, I played the physicist tourist: presented an academic talk, descended to an underground detector site, and shot the scientific breeze with members of the Quantum Technology Initiative. (What, don’t you present academic talks while touristing?) I’d never visited CERN before, but much of it felt eerily familiar.
A theoretical-physics student studies particle physics and quantum field theory (the mathematical framework behind particle physics) en route to a PhD. CERN scientists accelerate particles to high speeds, smash them together, and analyze the resulting debris. The higher the particles’ initial energies, the smaller the debris’s components, and the more elementary the physics we can infer. CERN made international headlines in 2012 for observing evidence of the Higgs boson, the particle that endows other particles with masses. As a scientist noted during my visit, one can infer CERN’s impact from how even Auto World (if I recall correctly) covered the Higgs discovery. Friends of mine process data generated by CERN, and faculty I met at Caltech helped design CERN experiments. When I mentioned to a colleague that I’d be flying to Geneva, they responded, “Oh, are you visiting CERN?” All told, a physicist can avoid CERN as easily as one can avoid the Panama Canal en route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific through South America. So, although I’d never visited, CERN felt almost like a former stomping ground. It was the details that surprised me.
Familiar book, new (CERN) bookstore.
Take the underground caverns. CERN experiments take place deep underground, where too few cosmic rays reach to muck with observations much. I visited the LHCb experiment, which spotlights a particle called the “beauty quark” in Europe and the less complimentary “bottom quark” in the US. LHCb is the first experiment that I learned has its own X/Twitter account. Colloquia (weekly departmental talks at my universities) had prepared me for the 100-meter descent underground, for the hard hats we’d have to wear, and for the detector many times larger than I.
A photo of the type bandied about in particle-physics classes
A less famous hard-hat photo, showing a retired detector’s size.
But I hadn’t anticipated the bright, single-tone colors. Between the hard hats and experimental components, I felt as though I were inside the Google logo.
Or take CERN’s campus. I wandered around it for a while before a feeling of nostalgia brought me up short: I was feeling lost in precisely the same way in which I’d felt lost countless times at MIT. Numbers, rather than names, label both MIT’s and CERN’s buildings. Somebody must have chosen which number goes where by throwing darts at a map while blindfolded. Part of CERN’s hostel, building 39, neighbors buildings 222 and 577. I shouldn’t wonder to discover, someday, that the CERN building I’m searching for has wandered off to MIT.
Part of the CERN map. Can you explain it?
Between the buildings wend streets named after famous particle physicists. I nodded greetings to Einstein, Maxwell, Democritus (or Démocrite, as the French Swiss write), and Coulomb. But I hadn’t anticipated how much civil engineers venerate particle physicists. So many physicists did CERN’s designers stuff into walkways that the campus ran out of streets and had to recycle them. Route W. F. Weisskopf turns into Route R. P. Feynman at a…well, at nothing notable—not a fork or even a spoon. I applaud the enthusiasm for history; CERN just achieves feats in navigability that even MIT hasn’t.
The familiar mingled with the unfamiliar even in the crowd on campus. I was expecting to recognize only the personnel I’d coordinated with electronically. But three faces surprised me at my academic talk. I’d met those three physicists through different channels—a summer school in Malta, Harvard collaborators, and the University of Maryland—at different times over the years. But they happened to be visiting CERN at the same time as I, despite their not participating in Sparks! I’m half-reminded of the book Roughing It, which describes how Mark Twain traveled the American West via stagecoach during the 1860s. He ran into a long-lost friend “on top of the Rocky Mountains thousands of miles from home.” Exchange “on top of the Rockies” for “near the Alps” and “thousands of miles” for “even more thousands of miles.”
CERN unites physicists. We learn about its discoveries in classes, we collaborate on its research or have friends who do, we see pictures of its detectors in colloquia, and we link to its science-communication pages in blog posts. We respect CERN, and I hope we can be forgiven for fondly poking a little fun at it. So successfully has CERN spread its influence, I felt a sense of recognition upon arriving.
I didn’t buy any CERN Toblerones. But I arrived home with 4.5 pounds of other chocolates, which I distributed to family and friends, the thermodynamics lunch group I run at the University of Maryland, and—perhaps most importantly—my research group. I’ll take a leaf out of CERN’s book: to hook students on fundamental physics, start early, and don’t stint on the sweets.
With thanks to Claudia Marcelloni, Alberto Di Meglio, Michael Doser, Antonella Del Rosso, Anastasiia Lazuka, Salome Rohr, Lydia Piper, and Paulina Birtwistle for inviting me to, and hosting me at, CERN.
1After returning home, I learned that an external company runs CERN’s cafeterias and that the company orders and sells the Toblerones. Still, the idea is brilliant.
On December 6, I gave a keynote address at the Q2B 2023 Conference in Silicon Valley. Here is a transcript of my remarks.
Toward quantum value
The theme of this year’s Q2B meeting is “The Roadmap to Quantum Value.” I interpret “quantum value” as meaning applications of quantum computing that have practical utility for end-users in business. So I’ll begin by reiterating a point I have made repeatedly in previous appearances at Q2B. As best we currently understand, the path to economic impact is the road through fault-tolerant quantum computing. And that poses daunting challenges for our field and for the quantum industry.
We are in the NISQ era. NISQ (rhymes with “risk’”) is an acronym meaning “Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum.” Here “intermediate-scale” conveys that current quantum computing platforms with of order 100 qubits are difficult to simulate by brute force using the most powerful currently existing supercomputers. “Noisy” reminds us that today’s quantum processors are not error-corrected, and noise is a serious limitation on their computational power. NISQ technology already has noteworthy scientific value. But as of now there is no proposed application of NISQ computing with commercial value for which quantum advantage has been demonstrated when compared to the best classical hardware running the best algorithms for solving the same problems. Furthermore, currently there are no persuasive theoretical arguments indicating that commercially viable applications will be found that do not use quantum error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant quantum computing.
A useful survey of quantum computing applications, over 300 pages long, recently appeared, providing rough estimates of end-to-end run times for various quantum algorithms. This is hardly the last word on the subject — new applications are continually proposed, and better implementations of existing algorithms continually arise. But it is a valuable snapshot of what we understand today, and it is sobering.
There can be quantum advantage in some applications of quantum computing to optimization, finance, and machine learning. But in this application area, the speedups are typically at best quadratic, meaning the quantum run time scales as the square root of the classical run time. So the advantage kicks in only for very large problem instances and deep circuits, which we won’t be able to execute without error correction.
Larger polynomial advantage and perhaps superpolynomial advantage is possible in applications to chemistry and materials science, but these may require at least hundreds of very well-protected logical qubits, and hundreds of millions of very high-fidelity logical gates, if not more. Quantum fault tolerance will be needed to run these applications, and fault tolerance has a hefty cost in both the number of physical qubits and the number of physical gates required. We should also bear in mind that the speed of logical gates is relevant, since the run time as measured by the wall clock will be an important determinant of the value of quantum algorithms.
Overcoming noise in quantum devices
Already in today’s quantum processors steps are taken to address limitations imposed by the noise — we use error mitigation methods like zero noise extrapolation or probabilistic error cancellation. These methods work effectively at extending the size of the circuits we can execute with useful fidelity. But the asymptotic cost scales exponentially with the size of the circuit, so error mitigation alone may not suffice to reach quantum value. Quantum error correction, on the other hand, scales much more favorably, like a power of a logarithm of the circuit size. But quantum error correction is not practical yet. To make use of it, we’ll need better two-qubit gate fidelities, many more physical qubits, robust systems to control those qubits, as well as the ability to perform fast and reliable mid-circuit measurements and qubit resets; all these are technically demanding goals.
To get a feel for the overhead cost of fault-tolerant quantum computing, consider the surface code — it’s presumed to be the best near-term prospect for achieving quantum error correction, because it has a high accuracy threshold and requires only geometrically local processing in two dimensions. Once the physical two-qubit error rate is below the threshold value of about 1%, the probability of a logical error per error correction cycle declines exponentially as we increase the code distance d:
Plogical = (0.1)(Pphysical/Pthreshold)(d+1)/2
where the number of physical qubits in the code block (which encodes a single protected qubit) is the distance squared.
Suppose we wish to execute a circuit with 1000 qubits and 100 million time steps. Then we want the probability of a logical error per cycle to be 10-11. Assuming the physical error rate is 10-3, better than what is currently achieved in multi-qubit devices, from this formula we infer that we need a code distance of 19, and hence 361 physical qubits to encode each logical qubit, and a comparable number of ancilla qubits for syndrome measurement — hence over 700 physical qubits per logical qubit, or a total of nearly a million physical qubits. If the physical error rate improves to 10-4 someday, that cost is reduced, but we’ll still need hundreds of thousands of physical qubits if we rely on the surface code to protect this circuit.
Progress toward quantum error correction
The study of error correction is gathering momentum, and I’d like to highlight some recent experimental and theoretical progress. Specifically, I’ll remark on three promising directions, all with the potential to hasten the arrival of the fault-tolerant era: erasure conversion, biased noise, and more efficient quantum codes.
Erasure conversion
Error correction is more effective if we know when and where the errors occurred. To appreciate the idea, consider the case of a classical repetition code that protects against bit flips. If we don’t know which bits have errors we can decode successfully by majority voting, assuming that fewer than half the bits have errors. But if errors are heralded then we can decode successfully by just looking at any one of the undamaged bits. In quantum codes the details are more complicated but the same principle applies — we can recover more effectively if so-called erasure errors dominate; that is, if we know which qubits are damaged and in which time steps. “Erasure conversion” means fashioning a processor such that the dominant errors are erasure errors.
We can make use of this idea if the dominant errors exit the computational space of the qubit, so that an error can be detected without disturbing the coherence of undamaged qubits. One realization is with Alkaline earth Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers, where 0 is encoded as a low energy state, and 1 is a highly excited Rydberg state. The dominant error is the spontaneous decay of the 1 to a lower energy state. But if the atomic level structure and the encoding allow, 1 usually decays not to a 0, but rather to another state g. We can check whether the g state is occupied, to detect whether or not the error occurred, without disturbing a coherent superposition of 0 and 1.
Erasure conversion can also be arranged in superconducting devices, by using a so-called dual-rail encoding of the qubit in a pair of transmons or a pair of microwave resonators. With two resonators, for example, we can encode a qubit by placing a single photon in one resonator or the other. The dominant error is loss of the photon, causing either the 01 state or the 10 state to decay to 00. One can check whether the state is 00, detecting whether the error occurred, without disturbing a coherent superposition of 01 and 10.
Erasure detection has been successfully demonstrated in recent months, for both atomic (here and here) and superconducting (here and here) qubit encodings.
Biased noise
Another setting in which the effectiveness of quantum error correction can be enhanced is when the noise is highly biased. Quantum error correction is more difficult than classical error correction partly because more types of errors can occur — a qubit can flip in the standard basis, or it can flip in the complementary basis, what we call a phase error. In suitably designed quantum hardware the bit flips are highly suppressed, so we can concentrate the error-correcting power of the code on protecting against phase errors. For this scheme to work, it is important that phase errors occurring during the execution of a quantum gate do not propagate to become bit-flip errors. And it was realized just a few years ago that such bias-preserving gates are possible for qubits encoded in continuous variable systems like microwave resonators.
Specifically, we may consider a cat code, in which the encoded 0 and encoded 1 are coherent states, well separated in phase space. Then bit flips are exponentially suppressed as the mean photon number in the resonator increases. The main source of error, then, is photon loss from the resonator, which induces a phase error for the cat qubit, with an error rate that increases only linearly with photon number. We can then strike a balance, choosing a photon number in the resonator large enough to provide physical protection against bit flips, and then use a classical code like the repetition code to build a logical qubit well protected against phase flips as well.
Work on such repetition cat codes is ongoing (see here, here, and here), and we can expect to hear about progress in that direction in the coming months.
More efficient codes
Another exciting development has been the recent discovery of quantum codes that are far more efficient than the surface code. These include constant-rate codes, in which the number of protected qubits scales linearly with the number of physical qubits in the code block, in contrast to the surface code, which protects just a single logical qubit per block. Furthermore, such codes can have constant relative distance, meaning that the distance of the code, a rough measure of how many errors can be corrected, scales linearly with the block size rather than the square root scaling attained by the surface code.
These new high-rate codes can have a relatively high accuracy threshold, can be efficiently decoded, and schemes for executing fault-tolerant logical gates are currently under development.
A drawback of the high-rate codes is that, to extract error syndromes, geometrically local processing in two dimensions is not sufficient — long-range operations are needed. Nonlocality can be achieved through movement of qubits in neutral atom tweezer arrays or ion traps, or one can use the native long-range coupling in an ion trap processor. Long-range coupling is more challenging to achieve in superconducting processors, but should be possible.
An example with potential near-term relevance is a recently discovered code with distance 12 and 144 physical qubits. In contrast to the surface code with similar distance and length which encodes just a single logical qubit, this code protects 12 logical qubits, a significant improvement in encoding efficiency.
The quest for practical quantum error corrections offers numerous examples like these of co-design. Quantum error correction schemes are adapted to the features of the hardware, and ideas about quantum error correction guide the realization of new hardware capabilities. This fruitful interplay will surely continue.
An exciting time for Rydberg atom arrays
In this year’s hardware news, now is a particularly exciting time for platforms based on Rydberg atoms trapped in optical tweezer arrays. We can anticipate that Rydberg platforms will lead the progress in quantum error correction for at least the next few years, if two-qubit gate fidelities continue to improve. Thousands of qubits can be controlled, and geometrically nonlocal operations can be achieved by reconfiguring the atomic positions. Further improvement in error correction performance might be possible by means of erasure conversion. Significant progress in error correction using Rydberg platforms is reported in a paper published today.
But there are caveats. So far, repeatable error syndrome measurement has not been demonstrated. For that purpose, continuous loading of fresh atoms needs to be developed. And both the readout and atomic movement are relatively slow, which limits the clock speed.
Movability of atomic qubits will be highly enabling in the short run. But in the longer run, movement imposes serious limitations on clock speed unless much faster movement can be achieved. As things currently stand, one can’t rapidly accelerate an atom without shaking it loose from an optical tweezer, or rapidly accelerate an ion without heating its motional state substantially. To attain practical quantum computing using Rydberg arrays, or ion traps, we’ll eventually need to make the clock speed much faster.
Cosmic rays!
To be fair, other platforms face serious threats as well. One is the vulnerability of superconducting circuits to ionizing radiation. Cosmic ray muons for example will occasionally deposit a large amount of energy in a superconducting circuit, creating many phonons which in turn break Cooper pairs and induce qubit errors in a large region of the chip, potentially overwhelming the error-correcting power of the quantum code. What can we do? We might go deep underground to reduce the muon flux, but that’s expensive and inconvenient. We could add an additional layer of coding to protect against an event that wipes out an entire surface code block; that would increase the overhead cost of error correction. Or maybe modifications to the hardware can strengthen robustness against ionizing radiation, but it is not clear how to do that.
Our field and the quantum industry continue to face a pressing question: How will we scale up to quantum computing systems that can solve hard problems? The honest answer is: We don’t know yet. All proposed hardware platforms need to overcome serious challenges. Whatever technologies may seem to be in the lead over, say, the next 10 years might not be the best long-term solution. For that reason, it remains essential at this stage to develop a broad array of hardware platforms in parallel.
Today’s NISQ technology is already scientifically useful, and that scientific value will continue to rise as processors advance. The path to business value is longer, and progress will be gradual. Above all, we have good reason to believe that to attain quantum value, to realize the grand aspirations that we all share for quantum computing, we must follow the road to fault tolerance. That awareness should inform our thinking, our strategy, and our investments now and in the years ahead.
Crossing the quantum chasm (image generated using Midjourney)
Mid-afternoon, one Saturday late in September, I forgot where I was. I forgot that I was visiting Seattle for the second time; I forgot that I’d just finished co-organizing a workshop partially about nuclear physics for the first time. I’d arrived at a crowded doorway in the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum, and a froth of blue was towering above the onlookers in front of me. Glass tentacles, ranging from ultramarine through turquoise to clear, extended from the froth. Golden conch shells, starfish, and mollusks rode the waves below. The vision drove everything else from my mind for an instant.
Much had been weighing on my mind that week. The previous day had marked the end of a workshop hosted by the Inqubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS, pronounced eye-KWISS) at the University of Washington. I’d co-organized the workshop with IQuS member Niklas Mueller, NIST physicist Alexey Gorshkov, and nuclear theorist Raju Venugopalanan (although Niklas deserves most of the credit). We’d entitled the workshop “Thermalization, from Cold Atoms to Hot Quantum Chromodynamics.” Quantum chromodynamics describes the strong force that binds together a nucleus’s constituents, so I call the workshop “Journey to the Center of the Atom” to myself.
We aimed to unite researchers studying thermal properties of quantum many-body systems from disparate perspectives. Theorists and experimentalists came; and quantum information scientists and nuclear physicists; and quantum thermodynamicists and many-body physicists; and atomic, molecular, and optical physicists. Everyone cared about entanglement, equilibration, and what else happens when many quantum particles crowd together and interact.
We quantum physicists crowded together and interacted from morning till evening. We presented findings to each other, questioned each other, coagulated in the hallways, drank tea together, and cobbled together possible projects. The week electrified us like a chilly ocean wave but also wearied me like an undertow. Other work called for attention, and I’d be presenting four more talks at four more workshops and campus visits over the next three weeks. The day after the workshop, I worked in my hotel half the morning and then locked away my laptop. I needed refreshment, and little refreshes like art.
Strongly interacting physicists
Chihuly Garden and Glass, in downtown Seattle, succeeded beyond my dreams: the museum drew me into somebody else’s dreams. Dale Chihuly grew up in Washington state during the mid-twentieth century. He studied interior design and sculpture before winning a Fulbright Fellowship to learn glass-blowing techniques in Murano, Italy. After that, Chihuly transformed the world. I’ve encountered glass sculptures of his in Pittsburgh; Florida; Boston; Jerusalem; Washington, DC; and now Seattle—and his reach dwarfs my travels.
Chihuly chandelier at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC
After the first few encounters, I began recognizing sculptures as Chihuly’s before checking their name plates. Every work by his team reflects his style. Tentacles, bulbs, gourds, spheres, and bowls evidence what I never expected glass to do but what, having now seen it, I’m glad it does.
This sentiment struck home a couple of galleries beyond the Seaforms. The exhibit Mille Fiori drew inspiration from the garden cultivated by Chihuly’s mother. The name means A Thousand Flowers, although I spied fewer flowers than what resembled grass, toadstools, and palm fronds. Visitors feel like grasshoppers amongst the red, green, and purple stalks that dwarfed some of us. The narrator of Jules Vernes’s Journey to the Center of the Earth must have felt similarly, encountering mastodons and dinosaurs underground. I encircled the garden before registering how much my mind had lightened. Responsibilities and cares felt miles away—or, to a grasshopper, backyards away. Wonder does wonders.
Mille Fiori
Near the end of the path around the museum, a theater plays documentaries about Chihuly’s projects. The documentaries include interviews with the artist, and several quotes reminded me of the science I’d been trained to seek out: “I really wanted to take glass to its glorious height,” Chihuly said, “you know, really make something special.” “Things—pieces got bigger, pieces got taller, pieces got wider.” He felt driven to push art forms as large as the glass would permit his team. Similarly, my PhD advisor John Preskill encouraged me to “think big.” What physics is worth doing—what would create an impact?
How did a boy from Tacoma, Washington impact not only fellow blown-glass artists—not only artists—not only an exhibition here and there in his home country—but experiences across the globe, including that of a physicist one weekend in September?
One idea from the IQuS workshop caught my eye. Some particle colliders accelerate heavy ions to high energies and then smash the ions together. Examples include lead and gold ions studied at CERN in Geneva. After a collision, the matter expands and cools. Nuclear physicists don’t understand how the matter cools; models predict cooling times longer than those observed. This mismatch has persisted across decades of experiments. The post-collision matter evades attempts at computer simulation; it’s literally a hot mess. Can recent advances in many-body physics help?
The exhibit Persian Ceiling at Chihuly Garden and Glass. Doesn’t it look like it could double as an artist’s rendering of a heavy-ion collision?
Martin Savage, the director of IQuS, hopes so. He hopes that IQuS will impact nuclear physics across the globe. Every university and its uncle boasts a quantum institute nowadays, but IQuS seems to me to have carved out a niche for itself. IQuS has grown up in the bosom of the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington, which has guided nuclear theory for decades. IQuS is smashing that history together with the future of quantum simulators. IQuS doesn’t strike me as just another glass bowl in the kitchen of quantum science. A bowl worthy of Chihuly? I don’t know, but I’d like to hope so.
I left Chihuly Garden and Glass with respect for the past week and energy for the week ahead. Whether you find it in physics or in glass or in both—or in plunging into a dormant Icelandic volcano in search of the Earth’s core—I recommend the occasional dose of awe.
Participants in the final week of the workshop
With thanks to Martin Savage, IQuS, and the University of Washington for their hospitality.