Comments on: Entanglement = Wormholes A blog by the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter @ Caltech Fri, 29 Jan 2021 01:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: ‘Espaço de Hilbert’, e os limites da ‘lógica simbólica’ | Questões Cosmológicas Fri, 29 Jan 2021 01:21:00 +0000 […] relacionada é a conjectura ER= EPR de Maldacena e Susskind, relacionando o entrelaçamento com buracos de minhoca. Em certo sentido, estamos fazendo esta proposta um pouco mais específica, dando uma fórmula para […]

By: IS A BLACK HOLE THE LITERAL LAKE OF FIRE THE LOST WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU FELL IN A BLACK HOLE  – SHOP NIGERIA Tue, 29 Sep 2020 09:45:39 +0000 […] man keeps giving.”But Einstein is not safe yet.“At first whiff,” Dr. Preskill wrote in a recent blog post, the Maldacena-Susskind conjecture “may smell fresh and sweet, but it will have to ripen on the […]

By: IS A BLACK HOLE THE LITERAL LAKE OF FIRE THE LOST WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU FELL IN A BLACK HOLE  » Thu, 08 Aug 2019 08:56:29 +0000 […] man keeps giving.”But Einstein is not safe yet.“At first whiff,” Dr. Preskill wrote in a recent blog post, the Maldacena-Susskind conjecture “may smell fresh and sweet, but it will have to ripen on the […]

By: kcleemd Thu, 08 Aug 2019 03:47:10 +0000 In reply to KC LEE.

John Wheeler in 1981 characterized a black hole as “Mass without matter”. (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 125: 25-37.)

What could that mean?

Wheeler also described spacetime by saying “Spacetime tells mass how to move; mass tells spacetime how to bend”. Stepping back from Einstein to Newton for a moment, the Third Law states that between two masses, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

Applying Newton’s Third Law to Wheeler’s “Mass tells spacetime how to bend”, spacetime must be exerting an equal and opposite action on the mass that bends it. Rephrased simply, spacetime and mass interact gravitationally.

To the best of our knowledge, spacetime is not known to interact electromagnetically, nor in any way other than gravitationally. All of a sudden, we have then a description of spacetime that sounds awfully like that of dark matter.

Hence, Wheeler’s “Mass without matter” description of black holes might be modified to “Mass without visible matter”? In any case, as noted in the comment above on December 20, 2017, there is no shortage of speculation that black holes are dark matter.

More fundamentally, could spacetime, dark matter, and black holes be the same reality, albeit playing different roles (thus carrying different names), other than sharing the same description?

By: KC LEE Wed, 27 Dec 2017 23:33:10 +0000 In reply to preskill.

Thank you for the reminder.

Apologies for failing to link the April article for everyone’s convenience. That was inadvertent, due in part to distraction by a notion where, stealing your words, readers might “be put off by unfamiliar ideas and terminology”.

It is good that the no-cloning theorem is not violated. On the other hand, if one is serious about black holes being governed by quantum rules, there might be a more basic worry. Namely, a suggestion that quantum reality cannot be our familiar classical physical reality (“nonphysical” lacking proper terminology).

If that fundamental concern is valid, black holes could be devoid of interiors. Even the information they hold might be nonphysical, in the above strict sense.

Short of ready availability, a rather clumsy version of the thought experiment on which the conclusion of non-classical physical quantum reality is based can be found in

The possibility of this nonphysical quantum reality facilitated the linking of black holes and dark matter in the Dec 20 comment.

In turn, that has led to a refinement of what “nonphysical” may mean, in the quest to understand a little more, despite Feynman’s lament, what quantum reality might be, in addition to what it might not be.


By: preskill Wed, 27 Dec 2017 17:52:28 +0000 In reply to KC LEE.

I wrote about traversable wormholes here:

Here’s one way to get out of a black hole!

By: KC LEE Wed, 27 Dec 2017 16:43:35 +0000 Another reason to revisit the June 7, 2013 article is the recent development of traversible wormholes. The thought is that such wormholes could impact the black hole information paradox.

In ER=EPR, the entanglement between two black holes can be thought of as the black holes measuring each other. No measurement can produce predictable outcomes in the quantum world.

Even if ERs are traversible, the above stipulation means information can only be passed to an unpredictable black hole. Quantum rules forbid “designating” a second black hole as the “predictable” recipient for any sending black hole.

Hawking says the message from a black hole is scrambled. He focuses on the message. The above pays heed to the recipients of messages. In a sense, similar to the message in Hawking radiation, the recipient black holes appear “randomly scrambled”, to the sending black hole.

In both cases, the result is that no reliable information can be faithfully passed through the worm holes. Can the information paradox be considered solved?


By: KC LEE Wed, 20 Dec 2017 19:57:58 +0000 At the conclusion of the June 7, 2013 article was mentioned John Wheeler’s idea that “everything is information”. Wheeler also gave us a description of a black hole: ” It is mass without matter. …. There remains behind only gravitational attraction, the attraction of disembodied mass.”

To be noted is the uncanny similarity of that description and our current understanding of dark matter.

If taken seriously, it might lend potential support to the recent argument that black holes are dark matter.

By: Edward Johnson Wed, 20 Dec 2017 19:22:33 +0000 I (layman) respectfully request strong Oversight consideration at CERN. I realise your involvement is minimal but your knowledgeable, watchfulness is greatly needed it would seem.
Thank you.

By: Wormholes Untangle a Black Hole Paradox – The Science Page Tue, 19 Sep 2017 15:10:28 +0000 […] on their “sense of smell” to sniff out which theories have promise. “At first whiff,” he wrote, “ER = EPR may smell fresh and sweet, but it will have to ripen on the shelf for a […]
