Comments on: Steampunk quantum
A blog by the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter @ CaltechMon, 28 Oct 2024 00:12:31 +0000
By: Sculpting quantum steampunk | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 28 Oct 2024 00:12:31 +0000[…] This Bruce Rosenbaum, I reasoned, had probably seen some colloquium of mine that a university had recorded and posted online. I’d presented a few departmental talks about how quantum thermodynamics is the real-world incarnation of steampunk. […]
By: Announcing the quantum-steampunk creative-writing course! - Cyan-E
Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:10:49 +0000[…] creative-writing course had never occurred to me, and I hesitated over it. Quantum-steampunk blog posts, I could handle. A book, I could handle. Even a short-story contest, I’d handled. But a […]
By: Announcing the quantum-steampunk creative-writing course! | Quantum Frontiers
Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:07:07 +0000[…] creative-writing course had never occurred to me, and I hesitated over it. Quantum-steampunk blog posts, I could handle. A book, I could handle. Even a short-story contest, I’d handled. But a […]
By: What geckos have to do with quantum computing | Quantum Frontiers
Thu, 28 Dec 2023 01:20:46 +0000[…] at Rutgers University. (For those unfamiliar with the field: statistical mechanics is a sibling of thermodynamics, the study of energy.) Joel Lebowitz, a legendary mathematical physicist and nonagenarian, has […]
By: Astrobiology meets quantum computation? | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:04:38 +0000[…] Each community appears fairly unaware of its counterpart. This article is intended to introduce the two. Below, I review assembly theory from origin-of-life studies, followed by quantum complexity. I’ll then compare and contrast the two concepts. Finally, I’ll suggest that origin-of-life scientists can quantize assembly theory using quantum complexity. The idea is a bit crazy, but, well, so what? […]
By: A quantum-steampunk photo shoot | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 13 Dec 2021 01:13:35 +0000[…] together, they’d give one laryngitis. But I don’t own goggles, hoop skirts, or petticoats. The most steampunk garb I’d ever donned before this autumn, I wore for a few minutes at age six or so, for dress-up photos at a theme park. […]
By: My 100th anniversary with Quantum Frontiers | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 13 Sep 2021 03:31:10 +0000[…] offered me the freedom to recognize and celebrate the steampunk aesthetic of quantum thermodynamics, my field of research. My first PhD student gifted me this adorable steampunk owl sculpture for my […]
By: Quantum steampunk is heading to bookstores! | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 26 Jul 2021 00:12:55 +0000[…] Glimpses of quantum steampunk have surfaced on this blog throughout the past eight years. The book is another animal, a 15-chapter closeup of the field. The book sets the stage with introductions to information processing, quantum physics, and thermodynamics. Then, we watch these three perspectives meld into one coherent whole. We tour the landscape of quantum thermodynamics—the different viewpoints and discoveries championed by different communities. These viewpoints, we find, offer a new lens onto the rest of science, including chemistry, black holes, and materials physics. Finally, we peer through a brass telescope to where quantum steampunk is headed next. Throughout the book, the science interleaves with anecdotes, history, and the story of one woman’s (my) journey into physics—and with snippets from a quantum-steampunk novel that I’ve dreamed up. […]
By: The quantum steampunker by Massachusetts Bay | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 00:02:14 +0000[…] a professor of physics at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He hosted my colloquium, “Quantum steampunk: Quantum information meets thermodynamics,” earlier this month. Maxim, I discovered, […]
By: What distinguishes quantum thermodynamics from quantum statistical mechanics? | Quantum Frontiers
Mon, 22 Jul 2019 02:29:38 +0000[…] colloquium concerned quantum thermodynamics, which I’ve blogged about many times. So I should have been able to distinguish quantum thermodynamics from its neighbors. […]